Brick Repair NYC

Common Brick Wall Problems and How to Fix Them

  • Posted On: September 20, 2023

Brick walls run into problems at some point in time. As a property owner, you will notice visually unappealing signs of damage in the brick wall caused due to numerous factors. Cracks, spalling or crumbling in brickwork are common no matter how much you maintain it. Maintenance can delay the decay process, but eventually, you cannot restrict it.

A beautiful brick wall will give away its lustre and appearance with age. It impacts the aesthetics adversely, alongside compromising the strength, vigor, and integrity of the structure. Nonetheless, timely brick wall repair NYC can restore the health and curb appeal of brickwork aiding improved durability.

Today, in this blog, we will discuss the popular fixes for various brick damages so that you can identify them and take the necessary actions immediately.

Fixing Common Brick Damages

Brick damage occurs due to several underlying reasons, and the first step to remediate it is to evaluate the severity of the decay. Problems arising from critical structural failure require brick wall replacement NYC by a licensed professional. Structural breakdown poses a potential threat to lives and property. Thus, replacement is the best solution for such a critical problem.

Now, let us throw light on the effective fixes for common brick wall problems:

  • Cracking- Shrinkage, settlement, temperature fluctuations, and vegetation growth results in crack formation. It is the most prevalent brick damage occurring in any masonry structure. These cracks can be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and step-like. Vertical cracks appear due to thermal expansion and contraction, whereas horizontal cracks imply foundation movement. On the other hand, diagonal and step-like cracks appear when the soil settles due to moisture or shifting. Minor cracks are reparable by patching, but those resulting from foundation changes require brick wall replacement NYC.
  • Spalling- The flaking or peeling of bricks is a predominant phenomenon occurring primarily due to weathering, moisture, chemical influences, and improper installation. Commonly referred to as spalling, the damage is generally irrevocable. Your masonry contractor will replace the damaged bricks through efficient techniques.
  • Mortar Decay- Mortar joints are the weak spots easily affected by extreme temperatures and moisture penetration. Often, improper mortar mix is also responsible for the event. Brick wall repair NYC, like re-pointing and tuckpointing can restore the mortar joints.
  • Bulging and Bowing- Bricks bulge due to frost attack and excessive moisture exposure. Inadequate drainage and loosened mortar joints are the fundamental factors. On the contrary, bowing results from stress, construction failure, soil erosion, earthquakes, and lack of maintenance. Both of them need brick wall replacement NYC as a long-term remediation.
  • Efflorescence- Efflorescence on the brick surface occurs when water evaporates, and the soluble salts accumulate on the brick surface. It appears as white, powdery dust, leaving ugly patches. Cleaning the surface with detergents and maintaining it can eradicate the problem.
  • Mold and Mildew- Dark brown or black spots on the brick’s surface are caused generally due to the infestation of mold and mildew. If a brick structure is persistently exposed to moisture in any form, such growths are bound to happen. In the long run, it affects the internal framework if not addressed promptly. However, with brick wall repair NYC you can combat the issue effortlessly.

To Sum Up

A brick structure faces several challenges throughout its service life. Nothing can stop it from happening! Nevertheless, you can always slow down the process with adequate remedial measures assisted by qualified personnel. But your actions must be prompt if you want to skip the havoc consequences. Take the first stride without thinking twice!